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3 Frugal Habits to Get You Through Another Lean Summer


The summer equinox happened so recently that the daylight still stretches well into the evening, which is great if you are so young that the thing you dread most is another long school year.  For many grownups, though, summer is the most stressful time of the year.  The time until payday seems to drag, while the bills keep piling up.  Now that the kids are out of school, those rare extra moments of productivity are even harder to find, and let’s not even get started on the subject of the cost of air conditioning.  The kids are home all day, daydreaming about all the products and activities they see advertised online, which you know you cannot afford.  Your short-term goal is to pass the time until fall with as few non-essential purchases as possible.  For help finding ways to improve your financial situation this summer and beyond, contact a Miami debt lawyer.

Homemade Pickles Are the Cornerstone of a Summer Barbecue

If you can borrow a friend’s Costco card, you have the makings of a summer barbecue.  Buy some hot dogs and burger patties and a Costco-sized quantity of cucumbers, and then reuse empty jars that once held pickles or olives to make homemade pickles.  The other ingredients are dirt cheap, and you probably already have them, the salt and spices in your kitchen cabinet and the vinegar you use for cleaning.  If you are new to pickling, consult YouTube or ask your grandma.  If your apartment complex has grills on its grounds that residents can use free of charge, but if your apartment complex is less generous, you can cook the meat on your George Foreman grill at home and then head outside with the finished product to watch the Florida sunset.

No Non-Grocery Shopping Until the Back to School Sales

Make a resolution not to buy any new stuff except groceries before the school year starts, and then turn your attention to passing the time.  Most of your time goes to work and searching for additional gigs, but there are other ways to spend time that cost little or nothing.  Cooking from scratch is a great way to spend more time and less money.  Equipment-free exercise goals are great, too, like walking 10,000 steps per day, whether it is errands on foot or walks to nowhere.  So is reading books you have always wanted to read or re-watching every season of a favorite TV show, preferably with a friend or family member.

Declutter to Discover Stuff You Didn’t Remember You Had

No one looks forward to decluttering, but getting rid of stuff you don’t need will make you appreciate the stuff you have.  You might even find items you can sell or give to someone who can use them; there isn’t much of a market for used car seats for infants, but a neighbor or coworker might be delighted to get the tricycle your child has outgrown.  Old stuff you haven’t used in a long time will feel new to you.

Work With a Debt Lawyer About Addressing Your Debt Problems

A South Florida debt lawyer can help you make your debts get smaller faster than frugality alone can.  Contact Nowack & Olson, PLLC in Miami, Florida to discuss your case.



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