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Boca Raton Lawsuit Judgement Lawyer

When creditors first attempt to collect debts from debtors, their efforts come off as annoying but nothing more. However, “annoying” can quickly escalate to “frightening” when those same creditors stop making nightly phone calls and instead send the debts to court. If your debt situation has escalated into a lawsuit, you still have options, including bankruptcy. At Nowack & Olson, PLLC, our Boca Raton lawsuit judgement lawyers can help you analyze your current situation, review your options, and help you determine the next steps.

Your Choices for Dealing With a Lawsuit 

When a creditor sues you, you can react in one of three ways. Those include the following:

  • Allow the creditor to obtain a judgment against you, otherwise known as a default judgment;
  • Defend the lawsuit yourself; or
  • Hire an attorney to represent you in the lawsuit and defend yourself against the judgment.

The right lawyer can help you determine the best option and advise you on what you need to do to pursue that option.

Defenses to a Judgment Lawsuit

If you choose to pursue a counterclaim, there may be a few different reasons for why a creditor should not be allowed to collect a debt against you. Some common defenses against a judgment lawsuit include the following:

  • The statute of limitations for filing a judgment lawsuit is up;
  • The creditor filed the case in the wrong court; or
  • The creditor cannot produce the paperwork to prove that you owe the debt.

You May Be Judgment Proof

In some instances, the debtor is judgment proof, meaning that the creditor cannot collect its debt via normal means. “Normal means” include wage garnishment, bank account levies, liens, and the like. If a creditor cannot collect a debt via any of these legal means, it cannot file a judgment lawsuit against you.

When Filing for Bankruptcy May be a Better Option

If you have a significant amount of debt, or if you have an outstanding debt with numerous lenders, it may be in your best interest to file bankruptcy. Defending numerous credit card suits can be expensive and time consuming, and the effect on your credit score because of those judgments may be worse than that of bankruptcy. Furthermore, you may discover that discharging an old debt with a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may be less costly than defending a judgment lawsuit against you. A Boca Raton lawsuit judgment lawyer can help you assess your options and determine which is the most financially feasible, and the most effective, for you.

Consult a Boca Raton Lawsuit Judgment Attorney Today

If you have had a judgment lawsuit brought against you, you do have options. The Boca Raton lawsuit judgment lawyers at Nowack & Olson, PLLC, can help you assess your options and advise you on the best course of action. Contact our firm today to schedule your free consultation.

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