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Nowack & Olson, PLLC Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer
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Budgeting Out Loud Is a Prosocial Way to Get Out of Debt


Being broke is lonely, but it doesn’t have to be.  Most of us are living paycheck to paycheck, but hardly anyone talks about it.  Somehow, it is more socially acceptable to talk about the big splurges that you wish you could afford than about the instant ramen noodles that await you after the long bus ride home from work.  It doesn’t have to be that way, though.  Every generation declutters the etiquette rules of the previous ones, keeping only the ones that are still useful.  Spending beyond your means to convince other people that you have more money than you do helps no one.  Being honest about your finances will help you build more honest relationships with the people in your life.  Of course, splurges and keeping up with the Joneses are not the only causes of debt, so to truly pay your debt balances down to zero, you may need the help of a Plantation debt lawyer.

Be the Cheerful Cheapskate That You Want to See in the World

Imagine that a coworker invites you to a dinner party at her house, and you attend.  The main course is steak, the side dishes are cooked with chicken broth, and even the salad has bacon bits.  The only problem is that you are a vegetarian.  The evening is awkward for everyone, and it is unlikely that you and your coworker will share a meal outside of work again.  You could have avoided this awkwardness if you had ever mentioned to your coworker that you are a vegetarian, or if your coworker had bothered to ask, while planning the party menu, if there is anything you don’t eat.

It is possible to discuss your personal preferences and boundaries without sounding judgmental.  Bring it up in conversation that you have set the goal not to spend more than X amount of money per month on food.  The conversation will turn toward favorite places to buy bulk groceries or fresh produce, and perhaps even to favorite recipes for pickling, canning, or batch cooking.  Before you know it, you and your coworker will be making plans to go to a free concert at Pine Island Park, with a picnic lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, rather than your friend inviting you out for dinner and a play at the Las Olas Riverwalk and you having to say derail or debt repayment plans or say openly that you think that dining in restaurants and buying theater tickets is a waste of money.  Make frugality something that you want to share with other people, not something that you are embarrassed about.  If anything, talking about budgeting is a relief to you and your interlocutors; you are acknowledging that we are all in the same boat.

Work With a Debt Lawyer About Paying Down Your Debts With a Smile

A South Florida debt lawyer can help you get rid of the debts that will not go away with mere patience and self-discipline.  Contact Nowack & Olson, PLLC in Plantation, Florida to discuss your case.


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