Category Archives: Bankruptcy Divorce

How Hard Is It to Dump Your Ex-Spouse’s Debts?
Your ex-spouse’s financial habits ruined your marriage and contributed to the tough financial situation you are in now that your divorce has become final. Your ex took out student loans for a second master’s degree when she still owed a balance on the loans for the bachelor’s degree she earned before you met and… Read More »

Can Bankruptcy And Divorce Occur Simultaneously?
Some couples’ relationships improve after one of them files for divorce; they are relieved that they can move on with their lives separately without getting on each other’s nerves about every little thing, and they can transition to treating each other as friends or extended family members without having to fight about money. Unfortunately,… Read More »

Is It Your Problem If Your Ex-Spouse Goes Into Debt Supporting Your Adult Children?
When you get married, people will warn you about common sources of conflict between spouses, such as division of household chores, how soon to return to the workforce after the birth of a child, and the rules regarding teenagers and driving. They don’t usually tell you, however, about the disagreements you might have with… Read More »

Can Bankruptcy Save You From Florida’s Kafkaesque Public Benefits System?
Anyone who thinks that people who receive public benefits are lazy has never tried to collect unemployment insurance, pandemic-era rental assistance, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Trying to get the money that you qualify to receive is as much work as most jobs. In Britain, where the social safety net is much… Read More »

Engaged Couples Should Have A Serious Conversation About Debt
You have probably heard all the stereotypes about the things that enjoy unprecedented popularity among millennials, for reasons that their elders do not understand. Millennials love avocado toast. Millennials love Instagram. Millennials love prenuptial agreements. People born after 1980 have a lower rate of marriage than previous generations, but the ones that do marry… Read More »