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Category Archives: Bankruptcy


Florida Celebrity Bankruptcy Files: Antoine Walker

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Several years ago, ESPN made an entire series of rags to riches to rags stories of professional athletes who gained immense wealth during their sports careers, only to lose their fortune several years later.  Viewers who lack athletic talent watched the show with Schadenfreude, thinking that people who made their money through boring jobs… Read More »

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Filing For Bankruptcy Protection After Closing A Business

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

More than half of small businesses close within a few years of opening.  Meanwhile, closing a business with losses is one of the most financially disruptive events in a person’s life.  Just as a disproportionate number of bankruptcy filings are by recently divorced people, people who have recently closed a business with losses also… Read More »

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Do You Fit The Profile Of A Typical Bankruptcy Filer?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

You have probably heard all the stereotypes about people who file for bankruptcy.  There’s the guy who makes extravagant purchases and invests in business ventures that have little chance of success and then, instead of paying up, declares bankruptcy when the bills come due.  Then there’s the guy who declares bankruptcy after a divorce,… Read More »

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Can Bankruptcy Save You From Florida’s Kafkaesque Public Benefits System?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Anyone who thinks that people who receive public benefits are lazy has never tried to collect unemployment insurance, pandemic-era rental assistance, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.  Trying to get the money that you qualify to receive is as much work as most jobs.  In Britain, where the social safety net is much… Read More »

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Credit Cards After Bankruptcy: Friend Or Foe?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Your friend’s dad knows a guy who has filed for bankruptcy five times, once after each divorce.  When that guy goes out to eat with his friends, he orders the cheapest item on the menu and pays for it with crumpled banknotes and the occasional roll of quarters.  You are not that guy; you… Read More »

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Secured Credit Cards: The First Step To Getting Out Of Debt And Rebuilding Your Credit?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

You have probably heard of the snowball method of debt repayment, where you put as much of your income as possible toward paying off your smallest debt, while making minimum payments on the others, and then when that one is paid off, you put as much money as you can toward the next smallest… Read More »

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Yikes! Debt Collectors Can Contact You On Social Media

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Every school year, schools send newsletters to parents, warning them about cyberbullying and alerting them to how to recognize its signs.  Meanwhile, many adults have a false sense of security regarding social media; they freely revel in the public shaming of other people and assume that they will never be the target, and even… Read More »

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Can Debt Collectors Call You At Work?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Even at the best of times, calls from debt collectors are annoying and interrupt your life. One of the most stressful situations to receive a call from a debt collector is while you are working and trying to earn a living. In addition to taking you away from the things you are trying to… Read More »

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Can I Be Evicted Because I Filed For Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Many people struggle over the decision to file for bankruptcy and you are most certainly not alone if you are also struggling to understand all of the potential things that could happen as a result of you doing so. If you currently rent an apartment or house that you are hoping to continue renting… Read More »

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Can I Buy A Car After My Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

The decision to file for bankruptcy can be a hard one to make in the first place. Borrowers who have declared bankruptcy in order to try to improve their financial situation then must face intense scrutiny in hopes that their debt will be discharged while also likely dealing with ongoing financial challenges. The good… Read More »

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