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Category Archives: Bankruptcy


How Long Will My Bankruptcy Take?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

No one wants to end up in significant debt. When it happens, the temptation is unfortunately there to shift the blame in your own direction despite the reality that debt problems typically come from issues outside of your control. To put that in perspective, health care is the primary cause of bankruptcy filings. Instead… Read More »

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Three Pandemic Scenarios That Might Make Bankruptcy Your Best Option Now

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Struggling financially doesn’t mean you are an unethical person or make poor financial decisions. Most of us hit a rough financial patch from time to time and there’s never been a more legitimate reason to have hit one than the experiences many of us have gone through over the last year or so due… Read More »

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Can I Pay Back My Loved Ones Before I File Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

As bills rise and wages fail to keep up, it is understandable if you decide to turn to friends and family for help in an attempt to make ends meet. In many cases, loved ones are willing to offer financial support when they see you struggling to overcome challenges and that the funds are… Read More »

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Does Bankruptcy Affect Your Job Prospects?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Bankruptcy comes with the chance to start over financially and can be invaluable for that reason. However, this opportunity to depart from debt comes with certain consequences as does every decision in life and one of the most relevant questions for anyone who is debating filing is exactly how bankruptcy may affect job opportunities… Read More »

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Bankruptcy And Evictions

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Of all the bills that can pile up and land you in debt, one of the most stressful scenarios is undoubtedly realizing you have fallen far behind on the home you rent. And unfortunately, this has been one of the ongoing stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic for many Americans. A survey published in March… Read More »

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Who Files For Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

There is a common misconception that financial mismanagement is the reason why most people file for bankruptcy. However, most people instead make this choice when their debt situation has become hopeless for reasons they never could have anticipated. While no one sets out hoping to file for bankruptcy, if you find yourself over your… Read More »

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3 Tips For Choosing A Bankruptcy Attorney In Florida

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Bad things can happen to anyone during a financial crisis. In many cases, the circumstances that arise due to these kinds of crises occur unexpectedly and can bring debt that stacks up more quickly than you could have ever imagined. People typically seek bankruptcy for circumstances that fall outside of their control such as… Read More »

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Life After Bankruptcy: Maintaining Financial Stability After Your Bankruptcy Discharge

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Finding yourself on the successful end of a completed Florida bankruptcy case is undeniably a huge relief after struggling financially for so long. Many people are then surprised to find that what they may have assumed would be a simpler pathway instead seemingly has a new challenge around every turn. Being on the other… Read More »

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Two Critical Steps For Preparing For Your Consultation With A Bankruptcy Attorney

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

As asserted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the bankruptcy laws enacted by Congress serve to, among other functions, give honest debtors who are struggling financially a clean slate. A successful bankruptcy process results in a permanent discharge of the collection of certain debts which means a debtor ends up no longer being personally… Read More »

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Why Would Someone In Debt File For Bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

One unfortunate fact about the state of our country is that debt is so common these days that it has become normalized. Consumer debt was already at over $14 trillion nationwide by November of last year with Americans carrying an average personal debt of $92,727. This overall debt figure includes credit card balances, student… Read More »

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