Category Archives: Debt Management
Improving your credit score after filing bankruptcy in Florida
There are a few key steps bankruptcy filers can take after the filing process is over to improve their credit score and maintain financial freedom. Those who file bankruptcy in Florida might find that after the process is over, their credit score is much lower than it used to be. This often occurs because… Read More »
Debt collection harassment techniques
Some debt collection agencies use harassment techniques, such as impersonation, surprise and threats, to encourage debtors to pay what they owe. Some debt collectors in the Miami area employ harassment techniques as a way to get debtors to pay what they owe. Many people think of harassment as constant calling, using rude names or… Read More »
Divorce and bankruptcy sometimes go hand in hand
The financial strain of divorce can result in a bankruptcy filing or vice versa. For some people, the financial strain caused by a divorce (paying lawyer’s fees, setting up two separate households, and having to pay child support or alimony, among other things) will eventually lead them to a point where a bankruptcy filing… Read More »
Supreme Court declines to hear student loan case involving bankruptcy
Bankruptcy discharge for student loans will remain challenging Determining why the Supreme Court decides not to hear a case is an exercise in frustration. The Court grants what is known as “cert petitions” when at least four justices agree to hear the case. The Court typically will accept cases where there is an important… Read More »
Struggling financially Leave your retirement assets alone
When many people are suffering from debt problems, they look towards their other assets as a means of paying off their debts. One of the most significant sources of funds that many people have is their retirement account. Since they may not be using the funds at the moment, many people reason that it… Read More »
The treatment of secured and unsecured debts in bankruptcy
If you are having financial problems, you may be considering bankruptcy, but would like to know what would happen to your debts after the process has been completed. In general, this depends on the types of debts that you have-whether they are secured or unsecured. In bankruptcy, each type of debt meets a different… Read More »
Don’t let rumors discourage you from filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Many people do not consider Chapter 7 because of unpleasant rumors they have heard. If you are one of the many Americans struggling to make financial ends meet, you may have heard about the relief that Chapter 7 can provide. However, you may have stopped short of taking advantage of it, because you have… Read More »
You have options for rebuilding credit after bankruptcy
Are you worried what filing for bankruptcy will do to your credit score? Many people think they should avoid bankruptcy when dealing with their debt issues. However, while filing for bankruptcy certainly can affect your credit, it could also put you on the path to a better financial situation. Your credit may already be… Read More »
Should you use retirement funds to cover outstanding debts?
Considerable debt presents many struggles that can leave you feeling at a loss. Although a variety of seemingly beneficial debt relief options exist, you may wonder which could work best for you. You may even have concerns regarding the legitimacy of some of those relief options. Because a lack of information may leave you… Read More »
Overhauling the credit reporting system
Errors on your credit report can have a devastating effect on your life. They not only affect your ability to get a credit card, a loan or a mortgage, but they can also affect your ability to rent property, go to college and get a job. Disputing these errors, and getting your credit repaired,… Read More »