Category Archives: Debt Relief

How to Handle Aggressive Debt Collectors
Falling into debt is stressful enough as is, but on top of everything else you might get phone calls or personal visits from debt collectors. To protect your sanity, practice the following tips for fighting them off—while protecting your finances at the same time. Get Information about the Alleged Debt Many debt collectors buy… Read More »

Why Debt Settlement May Not Be a Great Idea
Are debts weighing on your mind? If so, you probably are finding it hard to sleep at night or think about anything else during the day. The good news is that help is available. However, not all debt relief options are the same. One terrible option is “debt settlement,” which typically involves trying to… Read More »

How to Avoid Financial Disaster
Debt doesn’t matter—until it does. Credit card bills pile up, home mortgage rates shoot up, yet you don’t notice anything because you can continue to make your minimum monthly payment. Until one day, you find that you can’t. At that point, you might start panicking, wondering how you reached this point. If you haven’t… Read More »

How Debt Negatively Affects Your Marriage
Couples have enough trouble keeping their marriages together today. With work, child care activities, and taking care of elderly relatives, couples rarely have enough time for themselves anymore. Unfortunately, debt is another burden for married couples, and it can easily lead to a divorce. In fact, financial difficulties are one of the major reason… Read More »
Three signs bankruptcy may be the best path for your business
Deciding to move forward with relief through bankruptcy can be difficult. These three questions can help. Considering filing for bankruptcy is not easy. This is particularly true for those who are attempting to keep a business running. For many entrepreneurs, a business is more than just a professional endeavor. Businesses often have strong personal… Read More »
Establishing financial independence after filing bankruptcy in Florida
There are several things those who file bankruptcy can do to reestablish their financial independence and move forward. After filing for personal bankruptcy, many people in Florida wonder how they will reestablish their financial independence, set new goals and move forward. This is especially true since after filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the action remains… Read More »
Improving your credit score after filing bankruptcy in Florida
There are a few key steps bankruptcy filers can take after the filing process is over to improve their credit score and maintain financial freedom. Those who file bankruptcy in Florida might find that after the process is over, their credit score is much lower than it used to be. This often occurs because… Read More »
Debt collection harassment techniques
Some debt collection agencies use harassment techniques, such as impersonation, surprise and threats, to encourage debtors to pay what they owe. Some debt collectors in the Miami area employ harassment techniques as a way to get debtors to pay what they owe. Many people think of harassment as constant calling, using rude names or… Read More »
Preparing for the Chapter 7 meeting of creditors
When filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, debtors are required to attend a meeting of creditors before the case is discharged. People who are seeking reprieve from their heavy financial debt may choose to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Otherwise referred to as liquidation bankruptcy, Chapter 7 allows people in Florida and across the country… Read More »
Supreme Court declines to hear student loan case involving bankruptcy
Bankruptcy discharge for student loans will remain challenging Determining why the Supreme Court decides not to hear a case is an exercise in frustration. The Court grants what is known as “cert petitions” when at least four justices agree to hear the case. The Court typically will accept cases where there is an important… Read More »