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Category Archives: Debt


Will A Cash Diet Help You Repay Your Debts?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Once again, we are at the time of year where everyone makes New Year’s resolutions in the hopes of improving their financial circumstances in the new year.  This year, most people’s financial circumstances are so bad that they do not even know where to begin setting goals; a six-figure income is not enough to… Read More »

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How Severe Are Young People’s Debt Problems?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

These days, financial struggles affect everyone, regardless of age, but certain financial problems are more prevalent in certain age groups.  First, there are the seniors who are still struggling to make payments on Parent PLUS loans long after they have become eligible to draw Social Security.  Members of the sandwich generation work night and… Read More »

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Legislators Propose Bills To Protect Struggling Floridians From Harassment By Creditors

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

The constant need to hustle for money has become so widespread in our society that many of us hardly notice it anymore and could not imagine what life would be like without it.  What we do notice is the incessant barrage of bills.  Every time we blink, we find that, by the time we… Read More »

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What To Do If You Have A Year Without Credit Card Interest

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Trying to manage your finances can feel like playing a game of Tetris where the pieces keep falling faster than you can fit them into a good enough, if not ideal, location.  It is not just your imagination.  The amount you owe might be even bigger than it was when you first incurred the… Read More »

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CFPB Proposes Limiting Credit Card Late Fees To Eight Dollars

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

You can’t buy much for eight dollars these days.  It is fun to reminisce about the days when you could get a combo meal from McDonald’s for eight bucks, but it is depressing to think about how much a single dose of junk food costs today.  If you can remember when eight dollars was… Read More »

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What To Do If You Are Too Broke To Consolidate Your Debt

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If your financial situation is bad enough that you are considering filing for bankruptcy or are in danger of losing valuable assets, such as your house, then you have probably read enough consumer law firm websites to know that the main options for avoiding financial catastrophe are debt settlement, debt consolidation, and bankruptcy protection. … Read More »

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The Trouble With PACE Loans

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Elementary school students in South Florida do not have to travel very far to appreciate nature in all its splendor.  A school field trip to the Everglades costs nothing; you can travel there and back within school hours and still have time to see mangrove trees, anhingas, and more alligators than you can count. … Read More »

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A Farewell To BNPL?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Slowly but surely, Americans are breaking bad habits that they developed during the pandemic.  Doom scrolling is plenty addictive, but it turns out that the light of day has the same effect on unfounded catastrophic fears as it does on vampires, and the worst-case scenarios that bombard you on your social media feed cannot… Read More »

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Delinquency On Credit Cards And Auto Loans Disproportionately Affects Millennials

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

A recurring theme in the generational rift between Baby Boomers and Millennials is that the generation that is currently approaching retirement age came of age in a time when it was much easier to find full-time jobs with stability and generous benefits than it is now.  Furthermore, most of the trappings of middle-class life,… Read More »

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Credit Union Car Loans Are An Affordable Option If You Can Qualify For Them

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Even as everything becomes more expensive, Floridians depend on their cars as much as ever.  Even if you were fortunate enough to stay employed and to work from home throughout the pandemic, it is painful to think about how much you have paid for gasoline during the past three years.  If you have bought… Read More »

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