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Category Archives: Debt


Lending Scams To Avoid At All Costs

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If you read debt-free lifestyle blogs for inspiration on how to get out of debt, you run into a lot of advice about how you should never borrow money out of desperation.  This kind of advice comes across a lot like when Baby Boomers give you financial advice with the assumption that everyone has… Read More »

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The Next Worst Thing To Payday Loans

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Payday loans deserve their reputation as instances of predatory lending.  There is a reason they are so popular, though.  People who take out payday loans know that the interest rates and fees are astronomical, but they take the loans, anyway, because it is the easiest way to get the money they need to pay… Read More »

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What’s Your Money Archetype?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Some of Carl Jung’s writings on psychology describe modern fictional characters and the public perception of public figures, and even individuals’ perceptions of themselves as archetypes, symbolic character types that, according to Jung, appear in the myths of most or all or the world’s cultures.  Some famous examples of Jungian archetypes include the Ruler,… Read More »

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Can A Balance Transfer Reduce Your Credit Card Debt?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Some credit card spending behaviors get a universally bad rap, such as taking cash advances from a credit card or using it to purchase groceries.  Other credit card maneuvers, like choosing credit cards over cash in order to get reward points, have their partisans, even though others find them wasteful.  If you ask five… Read More »

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Learning Financial Literacy The Hard Way

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Conventional wisdom says that you should read the fine print before you take out a car loan or sign a credit card agreement, but sometimes even reading every line carefully will not prepare you for all of the possible pitfalls of your decision to borrow.  Most adults in Florida are in debt; the ones… Read More »

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Beware Of Fraudulent Medical Bills

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Most of the time, when you get a medical bill that you can’t pay, your best choice is to be honest with the healthcare provider about your financial hardship.  With enough research and resourcefulness, you might be able to persuade the provider to settle the debt for a much lower amount than they originally… Read More »

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Pet Store Loans Through Rent-A-Banks Are A Perfect Storm For Debt

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Most people’s debt problems are not the result of consumers wantonly spending beyond their means.  Instead, catastrophic debts usually result from medical emergencies, chronic illnesses, the need to support family members who are unable to work, or just the simple fact that everything is expensive and many jobs do not pay well enough to… Read More »

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Legal Protections Against Predatory Automatic Renewals

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Most people’s debt problems are not due to poor financial decisions but simply to the fact that, unless you were born into money, necessary expenses have become unaffordable.  Despite this, cutting your expenses as much as possible can help you reduce your debt and put yourself on firm footing for bigger interventions like applying… Read More »

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The Statute Of Limitations For Florida Debts

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Conventional wisdom about personal finance holds that ignoring debts can only make them worse.  Meanwhile, debts have a statute of limitations, which means that, if you have not made payments toward a debt after a certain amount of time has gone by, there is little that creditors and debt collectors can do to get… Read More »

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Are Microloans Your Best Hope For Getting Access To Credit?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

In 2006, the economist Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in founding Grameen Bank, an organization that provides microloans to women in Bangladesh who would not otherwise have access to credit.  In 2008, Professor Yunus founded Grameen America, which operates on a similar model to provide microloans to women in… Read More »

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