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Category Archives: Debt


Are Home Equity Loans Good Debt or Bad Debt?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

At this point, any complaint related to homeownership sounds like a humblebrag.  Your mortgage payment might be painfully expensive, but at least every payment boosts your credit score and your home equity.  You are in a better position than people who pay an equal amount in rent, but the money only enriches the landlord,… Read More »

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Can Your Screen Time Habit Be Beneficial to Your Finances?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

People who are old enough to remember a time before the Internet became part of everyone’s everyday life will tell you that your device addiction is as bad for your finances as it is for your physical and mental health.  Of course, even though you are young enough to be a digital native, you… Read More »

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Debt Repayment Can Wait?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Despite what the Internet says, people under 50 aren’t spoiled or entitled.  We are just pushed to the limit with stress.  The only way we can survive is by focusing on the things that matter at the expense of everything else.  We scrambled day and night until we realized that life is too short… Read More »

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Is Bankruptcy the Best Solution to Medical Debt?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

In more than half of all bankruptcy filings by individuals, the applicants cite medical debt as the main type of debt they are seeking to discharge and the biggest contributor to their financial hardships.  Medical debt can strike almost anyone; only the wealthiest people can afford to pay a hospital bill in full when… Read More »

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Facing Your Tax Debt After the October 15 Filing Extension Deadline

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

When you filed for an extension on filing your income tax return back in April, the new deadline, October 15, seemed like a lifetime away.  You have been filing for extensions on your tax returns almost every year for as long as you can remember, and every year, you manage to put together the… Read More »

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Inside the Underwater Car Loan Epidemic

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

This month, the CNBC website published more bad news about American consumers and their car loans.  We already knew that vehicle prices are beyond almost everyone’s budgets, but good luck getting to work in Florida without a car.  Likewise, we already knew that, even when we work around the clock, and our job and… Read More »

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Are Any Budgeting Methods Even Feasible?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

When people who make a living giving personal finance advice tell you that you should budget, it feels the same as when physicians in private practice tell you that you should diet.  You work 80 hours per week, and another 10 commuting, and you could spend the other 38 on meal prep and traveling… Read More »

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Can the “Girl Math” Social Media Trend Help Your Finances?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Whoever first decided to use the term “girl math” to refer to purchases that do not have an immediate effect on your bank account balance had a keen sense of clickbait.  It inspired the clicks of men who blame their current and former wives for wrecking their finances, as well as women whose minds… Read More »

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Is Reverse Budgeting Only for Rich People?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

It must be nice to be rich.  You get free checking accounts and low interest loans.  If you manage to get in over your head with debt despite earning a high income and borrowing money at low interest rates, you can file for chapter 13 bankruptcy, where you do not place any of your… Read More »

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Would Cash Assistance for Housing Make Life Simpler?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

When you are struggling to pay your bills, you wish for a windfall, but when you wish for a windfall, it only brings more stress.  The stories of people who won the lottery and quickly ended up in worse shape, financially and otherwise, than they were before they bought the fateful scratch off ticket… Read More »

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