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Category Archives: Personal Bankruptcy

Old law makes squatting tempting for some Florida residents

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

A U.S. law hundreds of years old may be a tempting option for some enterprising Floridians hoping to gain ownership of abandoned properties. With the highest foreclosure rate in the nation, hundreds of homes facing foreclosure are being abandoned, possibly for years, while banks go through the process of repossession. The law of adverse… Read More »

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The “working poor” status is a growing problem in Florida

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If you’ve been struggling to pay your bills like many Floridians, especially if you feel your situation has been growing worse for months, you may fit into a classification that economists call the “working poor.” This wage bracket includes low-income families with one or more people in the household who work, but as a… Read More »

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Hillsborough County increases homestead exemptions for seniors

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Senior citizens represent a large portion of Floridians who are particularly vulnerable in this difficult economy. Fortunately, there are a variety of state exemptions and other programs available to help those who are struggling. Most counties have at least a few programs for seniors and other groups with special needs from tax breaks for… Read More »

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Personal bankruptcies decrease in Florida for 2 straight years

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Personal bankruptcies have fallen throughout parts of Florida for the second year straight. Financial challenges continue to be a difficult issue nationwide since the housing market collapsed in 2007. In Florida, foreclosure activity is still the highest in the country, so many experts in bankruptcy law aren’t sure why there is a decrease in… Read More »

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South Florida banks allowing more non-foreclosure short sales

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Increasing numbers of banks are approving short sales before homes go into foreclosure in Broward County, according to a recent RealtyTrac survey. As more homeowners are facing foreclosure, more and more lenders are willing to help some people unload their homes before they foreclose. This can be a source of relief to those facing… Read More »

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