Category Archives: Student Loans

Discharging Student Loans Might Get Easier
Student loan debt is a ticking time bomb in the U.S. According to Student Loan Hero, Americans currently owe $1.5 trillion in student loans, larger than all outstanding credit card debt. Millions of Americans are saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in loans—and possibly more. Although the economy continues to improve, there are… Read More »

Discharging Student Loans
According to statistics, Americans owe more on student loans than they do any other type of loan apart from mortgages. Indeed, student loan debt has risen much faster than other forms of debt and today totals almost $1.5 trillion. You might think that you can discharge student loans like you can any other unsecured… Read More »
Supreme Court declines to hear student loan case involving bankruptcy
Bankruptcy discharge for student loans will remain challenging Determining why the Supreme Court decides not to hear a case is an exercise in frustration. The Court grants what is known as “cert petitions” when at least four justices agree to hear the case. The Court typically will accept cases where there is an important… Read More »