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Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer > Existing Clients

For Our Existing Clients

Bankruptcy Credit Counseling
If you need to complete your online credit counseling courses required by the Bankruptcy Court, please see the links below.  IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE – if you have not filed your bankruptcy case, you should select “Step 1 – Pre Filing Counseling”. If you have already filed your case, please select “Step 2 – Post Filing Debtor Education”. If you are not sure which option to select, please call the office prior to proceeding.

Bankruptcy Credit Counseling – Course 1 – PRE-FILING
(This needs to be completed BEFORE we can file your case)

Bankruptcy Credit Counseling – Course 2 – POST-FILING
(This needs to be completed AFTER your case is filed in order to receive your discharge)

Pay Attorneys Fees
To pay any outstanding lawyers fees owed in your case, please click on the button below. You will automatically receive an e-mail receipt upon payment of the fees. PLEASE NOTE – Please do not use any credit card that is going to be included in your bankruptcy case.

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