How elderly people can truly avoid debt collectors
There are many elderly people in Florida who struggle with money. Those that live mainly off of Social Security benefits may be forced to use credit cards to cover emergency expenses or just make ends meet every month. When credit card bills start to add up, an elderly person who has no prospect of earning additional income could end up being harassed by debt collectors.
Calls and letters from credit card issuers and debt collectors can cause an elderly person a lot of stress. Simply hanging up or not answering the phone from unknown numbers doesn’t usually do very much to relieve it. However, an elderly person may be able to get some relief from collection attempts by seeking legal help.
When a debtor has legal representation, debt collectors are not allowed to contact the debtor directly. A debtor is also protected from lawsuits over unpaid debt once the statute of limitations has passed. In Florida, a debtor cannot be sued for a debt that they have made no payments on for four years.
Some elderly people try to avoid debt collectors until their debts are uncollectable, but they are risking a lot by doing this. Before the statute of limitations ends on a debt, a debt collector could sue the debtor and, if a judgment is obtained, get a court order that places a lien on the debtor’s home. A lawyer may be able to help a retired person to protect their home and get out of debt by filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy.