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How federal laws protect consumers from creditor harassment

As someone with debt issues or significant debt, you are probably no stranger to constant calls and e-mails from creditors. Although debt collectors in many situations are allowed to contact you, there is sometimes a fine line between debt collection and creditor harassment. If you believe you are the victim of creditor harassment, consider this: there are bodies of federal laws enacted that protect people just like you from creditors.

One of the major federal consumer protection laws is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCP”). This is a large body of federal law that provides consumers protection against harassment, unfair practices and fraud by debt collectors. While bankruptcy can help put a stop to creditor harassment, federal laws also provide another armor against certain illegal actions.

Under the FDCP, the following are considered illegal communications between a debtor and the debt collector (keep in mind every situation is different and these are points speaking in broad general terms):

  • Trying to contact you during an inconvenient time. Inconvenient is considered before 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m.
  • Trying to contact you directly if it is known or even should have known by the debt collector that you are legally represented by a lawyer.
  • Trying to contact you while you are working or at work if it is known that you are not allowed to take such calls according to your employer’s policies.

These are just some of the protections that federal consumer rights laws can provide you. If you believe you are a victim of creditor harassment and need to talk to a lawyer about your financial situation and even bankruptcy options, seek the help of a seasoned Florida bankruptcy lawyer.

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