Tag Archives: Chapter 13 bankruptcy

Should You Surrender Collateral in a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
One reason people choose a Chapter 13 bankruptcy over a Chapter 7 is that they do not want to lose property. In a Chapter 7, the trustee can sometimes sell property and distribute the proceeds to unsecured creditors. As a result, you might lose your car, boat, or other property. But what happens if… Read More »

Bankruptcy Fraud
Bankruptcy is a quick way to wipe out certain debts and obtain immediate financial relief. However, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy comes with a catch: in exchange for eliminating debts, the trustee might sell some of your property and give the proceeds to your creditors. Some people attempt to avoid losing property by engaging in… Read More »
What to expect if you file for bankruptcy
It is never easy to make the decisions to file for bankruptcy. In most cases, this decision comes after months of missed or late payments and harassment from creditors. For many consumers, bankruptcy provides them with a chance to start over and obtain a better financial future. It allows you to confront and deal… Read More »
An alarming number of South Florida homeowners still face foreclosure. What can you do to make sure you are not one of them?
Recent information indicates that, through October of 2016, approximately 1 in every 830 homeowners in Miami-Dade County was facing foreclosure. In Broward County, it’s about 1 in every 620. If you are struggling to keep up with your mortgage payments, you don’t have to become one of these statistics. There are a number of… Read More »
What is lien stripping and how can it help save my home?
When you are trying to save your home, lowering the amount you owe on the property is one of the best things you can do. Depending on the circumstances of the situation, this can be a very accessible option for people who have taken out home-equity loans or other types of second or third… Read More »
How can I stop the bank from foreclosing on my home?
In a previous post in this series, we discussed the foreclosure process and the steps lenders must take before initiating a foreclosure on your property. In that same post, we also mentioned that there may be steps you can take to stop the foreclosure and keep your home. Today we want to get into… Read More »
When to consider a short sale
No one ever plans to find themselves in over their head with debt and behind on mortgage payments. But for thousands of people all over this country, this is an everyday reality that requires proactive – and sometimes legal – steps to get out of. A lot of people in this kind of situation… Read More »
An introduction to Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Many Florida residents understand that they need help to address serious financial challenges, but they may not always know what kind of assistance for legal options they are entitled to. Filing for bankruptcy is one option that has proven to be very successful for countless Americans throughout the years, but different forms of bankruptcy… Read More »
Bankruptcy to stop foreclosure
For the millions of people across the country facing serious financial challenges, the prospect of losing one’s home can be very real and troubling. The only thing many Florida families know about foreclosure is the information their lender provides them with once the process begins, and individuals often feel as though they have few… Read More »
When you must file Chapter 13 bankruptcy over Chapter 7
The economy has shown steady improvement since the last recession a few years ago, but that does not mean people in Broward County are not still struggling financially. An unexpected medical emergency, natural disaster or health issues can easily send someone into a financial whirlwind. In many cases, people try to stay afloat by… Read More »