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Tag Archives: debt relief

When to consider a short sale

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

No one ever plans to find themselves in over their head with debt and behind on mortgage payments. But for thousands of people all over this country, this is an everyday reality that requires proactive – and sometimes legal – steps to get out of. A lot of people in this kind of situation… Read More »

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Are you eligible to have your federal student loans forgiven?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

One of the toughest lessons college students today learn is that education doesn’t come cheap. In fact, the degree you pursued may be costing you money you don’t have, and won’t have for decades. Student loan debt is one of the most common types of debt people in the U.S. carry. Unfortunately, it is… Read More »

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How much can creditors take with wage garnishments?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If you’re deep in debt and behind on your payments, you could also be facing a lawsuit from a creditor. This lawsuit is likely to seek judgment against you, which, if granted by a judge, will give a creditor the ability to then garnish your wages for the purposes of paying off debts. If… Read More »

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Financial windfall may not keep you out of bankrutpcy

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Money problems that lead to the need for bankruptcy protection usually do not occur overnight. A sudden cash influx is a dream of many facing dire financial issues. While it may provide immediate relief, spending habits must change. Many lottery jackpot hopefuls believe that the right numbers will end their stress over finances. For… Read More »

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When do collection efforts become abusive?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

If you are struggling with debt, the last people you likely want to speak with are debt collectors. Unfortunately, you may not be able to avoid these interactions unless and until you take steps to resolve debt issues. However, you should be aware that even though they can seem relentless and aggressive, debt collection… Read More »

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Proposed bill would protect federal benefits

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

In our last post, we discussed the unfortunate fact that a portion of your federal benefits can be garnished in an effort to repay student loan debt. This can have a devastating impact on anyone who collects and depends on Social Security benefits and has fallen behind on or cannot make student loan payments…. Read More »

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Federal benefits can be taken to repay federal student loans

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Going to college is something that people all across the U.S. strive to do. Unfortunately, getting an advanced degree is not a guarantee that you will be gainfully employed during the years it takes to repay loans. People can ultimately spend years or decades paying down the loans they took out for college; during this… Read More »

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Secured debt vs. unsecured debt: what you should know

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

When we talk about debt, it is often in a fairly general way. People are buried in “debt” or struggling to repay “debt.” However, debt is not just one thing. There are typically many sources of financial strain that are contributing to overall debt and in order to find some financial relief, it is… Read More »

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Don’t let credit scammers spoil your holiday

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

During the holiday season, it can be easy to lose track of spending or throw budget restrictions aside in favor of a “can’t miss” deal or gift obligation. Even the most careful person can find it a challenge to keep records and spending under control. This is a situation people try to take advantage… Read More »

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Tips for not letting the holidays drive you deeper into debt

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Merrymaking and family traditions always characterize the holidays, but there’s another general characteristic that makes many Floridians very uneasy between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day, and that is big spending. In fact, a recent poll found that, on average, people who are in a relationship with a significant other expect to spend $338 on… Read More »

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