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Tag Archives: Foreclosure & Alternatives

Underwater mortgage levels falling in Miami-Dade, though still high

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Miami-Dade County is experiencing a drop in underwater mortgages, according to a recent report on underwater mortgage levels in 2014’s final quarter. According to the report, there were over 30,000 fewer homes in the county where the property’s value was less than the mortgage balance for the property in last year’s fourth quarter than… Read More »

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Real-estate-related debt troubles not limited to just mortgages

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

Troubles with real-estate-related debts can lead to a person facing some major financial troubles, including the possibility of foreclosure. Thus, a person can have some pretty big concerns when they are experiencing struggles with a real-estate-related debt. Will I lose my home? Will I have to leave my community? Will I be ruined financially?… Read More »

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Drawbacks of short sales

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

One of the mortgage-debt-related difficulties some homeowners face is having negative equity. A homeowner has negative equity if their home is worth less than the mortgage debt they have on the home. According to RealtyTrac estimates, having mortgage debt that exceeds their home’s value by at least 25 percent is a situation that around… Read More »

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What does an automatic stay do in a bankruptcy?

By Nowack & Olson, PLLC |

There are several reasons why a person who is struggling with high debt could find a personal bankruptcy helpful. For one, a bankruptcy sometimes significantly reduces a person’s overall debt load through debt discharges. Also, a bankruptcy sometimes give an individual a chance to restructure their debt so it is easier for them to… Read More »

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