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What Happens When Affordable Housing Promises Fall Apart?


Living paycheck to paycheck is stressful enough when employment is the source of your paychecks, even if those paychecks come through the gig economy.  You can temporarily relieve your stress about money by searching for more gigs; even if a particular day’s search does not yield a new paid gig, it at least makes the time pass more quickly until the next payday.  When you are on a fixed income because of retirement or disability, it is even harder to take your mind off of the financial worries.  Affordably priced housing is a lifeline for many seniors; early bird specials at restaurants and senior breakfast at Denny’s can only do so much to make room in your budget.  Housing costs are burdensome in Florida, and the demand for affordable housing vastly exceeds the supply.  Therefore, when an affordable housing program becomes less affordable for residents, the sting is especially acute.  If you qualified for your housing based on your low income, but your rent has increased and you are wondering how to cope, contact a Miami debt lawyer.

Tucker Tower Leaves Seniors in the Lurch

Tucker Tower, a 120-unit apartment complex in Palmetto Bay, opened in March 2024.  All of the units in the building are reserved for low-income seniors; like many other affordable housing properties, it bases rents on each resident’s percentage of the area median income (AMI).  Therefore, a resident earning 30 percent of the median income would pay $618 for a one-bedroom apartment in Tucker Tower.

The seniors who moved into Tucker Tower when it opened in March were looking forward to an uncomfortable retirement, but before they had lived there for two full months, they received a notice that contained an unpleasant surprise.  Since the AMI in South Florida had increased, so would the rent.  The new price of rent at Tucker Tower would be more than $100 higher, and it would take effect in July.  Many affordable housing developments have clauses in their lease agreements like the ones in Tucker Tower, where the rent increases proportionally to the AMI.  Tucker Tower apartments are not rent controlled in the sense that the rent stays the same regardless of the surrounding economic conditions.

Finding Your Footing After a Reduction in Benefits

The residents of Tucker Tower are not the only ones scrambling to reorganize their budgets after yet another economic hardship.  If you think the setback will be temporary, such as if you are planning to apply for additional cash benefits or if you are planning to move out of your affordable housing unit or into a relative’s house where you do not have to pay rent, then a debt consolidation loan could tide you over.  If you have no hope of your income to expense ratio improving, filing for bankruptcy protection could be the best option.

Work With a Debt Lawyer About Coping With Late in Life Financial Hardships

A South Florida debt lawyer can help you discharge, settle, or pay down debts even if you are retired.  Contact Nowack & Olson, PLLC in Miami, Florida to discuss your case.



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